Overall Density Map

The Overall Density Map is intended as a companion graphic to the Neighborhood Development Type case study sheets. By referencing various density prototypes, this map suggests what the whole of the St. Andrews site will look like at final buildout. The neighborhood development types represented are as follows:

Town Centers: These large-scale mixed-use activity centers are the heart of the project; the site’s other neighborhoods orbit around and focus on the urban core areas.

Village Centers: These medium-scale mixed-use activity centers are small Town Centers, activity nodes that anchor surrounding neighborhoods with higher density housing, mixeduse retail and civic uses.

Coastal and Gateway Centers: These small-scale mixed-use activity centers are located near the water’s edge and will support future planned marinas and other coastal attractions.

University Centers (& TAFEs): These educational facilities are major local and regional attractions; the campuses are attached to town and village centers and contribute to their mixed-use vitality.

Town Residential Neighborhoods: These more dense residential neighborhoods surround Town Centers with primarily multi-family, townhouse, and small-lot single family homes.

Village Residential Neighborhoods: These residential areas surround village centers with a mix of housing types.

Coastal Residential Neighborhoods: These mixed residential areas are located near coastal centers and near the beach.

Low-Density Residential Neighborhoods: There areas are more rural or suburban in character and are located at the edges.

Mixed-Use Corridor Residential: These mixed-use, linear neighborhoods consist primarily of multi-family housing lining a landscaped transit boulevard.

Mixed-Use Corridor Employment: These mixed-use, linear neighborhoods consist primarily of employment uses lining a landscaped Transit Boulevard.

District Employment: These districts are home to job-rich business and industrial park uses such as light industry, R&D & office, and warehouse and distribution.